Wednesday, October 6, 2010


As many of you know 7 years ago I had my right hip replaced, I have congenital hip displacia. That means that the ball joint is egg shape instead of round. Losing 70 pounds took some problems away on the left side, but its now giving me problems to the point of my knee buckling on me..I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon on Monday to see IF they will do a replacement on the left. 7 years ago they were equally bad, but they say they won't do it now as its not bad enough. Go figure. Maybe face to face and an exam will change their mind. So its a trip to Washington but I will get to see family and the grand kids!!

We also received a sad email that our tax lady of 22 years passed away so will attend her services too. So If you email me and I don't get right back to you its because of no email service. We will be home on Wed. Oct. 13.


  1. Hope things work out for you Artis. You will be in my thoughts & prayers. Glad you'll be able to spend time with your family & grandkids. It must be so hard not being able to see them all the time like you used to! Take care & be careful!


  2. Will be thinking of you.
    Take care,
