Sunday, October 24, 2010


As soon as Cloyd gets the photos on the computer I will post. We seen a fat old grizzly bear, we pulled over the side of the hwy to take photos. He was so engrossed in what ever he was chasing he ignored the cars and the people out with their cameras set up on tripods. I don't want to be that close!!

In answer to the question regarding a hip replacement being the best. Yes, I prefer that since I have had the right one done and its great. I went off the Celebrex as my joints are swollen and stiff so will call doctor to see what he wants me to do next.

I am not in horrid pain as I have leaned to deal with it for so many years, its just when it flairs up that I hate it and just want it fixed. Thank you for the well wishes..

1 comment:

  1. Some people will take any risk for a good photo !!!!

    It was me enquiring wether a hip replacement would have been a better option, lets just hope you can cope with the women not only are multi taskers we also have to have high pain thresholds as their no end to our talents - Lol

    have a greatholiday
