I guess I am showing my age, the 15 hour trip over to Washington, the tons of doctors, family and friends and the trip home (had to split into 2 days) I have been so tired since and not accomplished much of anything.
I don't have to have the hip replaced for a while, I still have some cartilage so he wants to wait. The arthritis is very prevalent and we did an MRI and found I have tendonitis and pockets of fluid on the bone. I am taking an anti inflammatory to try to help that. We will go week by week to see how I do.
The latest I have heard about the recolor Maneater is that it should be to me by mid Nov. You know how it is with container ships. I will keep you all posted on that. I am very excited to see it in person.
I just received an update on the second half of my shoe order and tracking says it will be here on Friday. I will inspect them and get them mailed asap.
Thank you all for your patience's.