Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Miss Marcie Investigates

Living in Washington and Wyoming, Miss Marcie was always behind a fence or on a leash if we were not in an inclosed area. She would chase cats or dogs in Washington, then moved on to bigger things in Wyoming, deer and when she got tired of seeing those, she next wanted the rabbits to chase. We moved to Mexico and when we do our morning walks there are no animals on the beach (the cows wander through the yards at nights, but gone in the mornings)so she is let off her leash. She has always stayed right next to me getting use to the roar of the sea. Last Thursday she decided to follow some scent she picked up, so while I was walking in the water, she went up the little hill (I could still see her) and she started investigating the new smells of the beach.

After she got done with smelling the smells of the wet sea items, she decided to go up the hill and walk top. I let her walk up there as I could still see her.

The waves her a bit larger that morning, not all of them but when we first got on the beach, a 'sneaker wave' caught us both, splashing just above my ankles but wet Miss Marcie to her belly. That is why she went to higher ground.

When she went out of site I decided I needed to leave the water and walk on the higher ground also, she thought it was great fun and decided with her little sheepish look when she wants to "race" and took off and I was watching her ahead of me and not watching where I was placing each foot. Well...with wind and surf and sand and debris, there was a mostly buried cinderblock in the sand, had I been looking down I would of seen it, but in my 'little bit of a jog' I stubbed my little toe!!! I still can not wear closed toe shoes. I didn't break it, but bruised the toe and all across my foot to the toe next to the big toe. OH MY GOSH!!! It hurt so badly I didn't know if I wanted to cry or what!!
I missed my morning walk on Friday and Saturday as I could not walk well enough, just a good hobble, but on Sunday morning I went back down, sand feels better walking on as it forgives the feet.

1 comment:

  1. OUCH !!!! ... I hope Masie gave you a sloppy kiss to make you feel better- lol

    I envy you your wonderful beach strolls, I can't think of anything more relaxing
